Kerygma 4 Kids - Grade 5, Chapter 1 --- Jesus is Your Valentine

In this first section, we want to help each child discover the personal love of God. The theme of Valentine's Day is used to help the children better appreciate the power of human words and the power of the Word of God. The discussion should help children understand that we are made for love and that people find fulfillment in being loved and in loving others. The children should be assured that Jesus is not too busy for them and that their life really matters to Him.

Reflection questions can be discussed with partners, in small groups, or moderated in a large group setting. How these sessions are facilitated will depend on the size of your group and the number of helpers you have to facilitate discussion. Small groups work best when facilitated by a teen or an adult.

Be sure to create an appropriate environment for the guided Scripture meditation, free from noise and distractions. Be confident that the Lord will, in fact, speak to the hearts of the children.

Help the children know that Jesus can be present in this way in their personal prayer time as well. Encourage them to pray with the Scriptures daily.

As you draw this section to a close, help the children understand that God's love endures forever, and there is nothing they can do to make God stop loving them.