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Faithful, Engaging, Formative Fun!

Do you want to teach kids to learn, know and live the Catholic faith? CatholicBrain is excited to bring an amazing resource to help you do just that: ADVENTURE CATECHISM!

Adventure Catechism provides USCCB-approved Pre K - 8th grade faith formation on our easy-to-use platform. Premium CatholicBrain subscribers get full access to the engaging curriculum, interactive eBooks and captivating videos hosted by Brother Francis who is beloved by millions of children worldwide. Sign up for your free trial today!.

1,000+ Video Lessons

that Inspire Both the Head and the Heart

Captivate and educate children with Adventure Catechism! Our fully approved curriculum is integrated with engaging videos that will capture kidsÂ’ attention and help them understand their Catholic faith. Parents will love them, too! With a Premium CatholicBrain Subscription, schools, parishes, and families will have full access to over 1,000 video lessons that will truly help kids learn, know, live, and love their Catholic faith.

Faith Formation Programs & Curriculum