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Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Which prophet of the Old Testament lived on Mount Carmel?


Who followed the example of Elijah and lived on Mount Carmel?

St. Francis of Assisi
St. Thomas Aquinas

In 1145, the ______ formed a community and constructed a monastery on Mount Carmel.

Poor Clares

What happened to the Carmelite's monastery during the Crusades?

It was destroyed
It was renovated
It was flooded
It was struck by lightning

Who appeared to Simon Stock while he was in prayer?

St. Joseph
St. Dominic
The Blessed Virgin
His Guardian Angel

What was the Blessed Virgin holding in her hands when she appeared to Simon Stock?

A robe and a palm branch
The Child Jesus and Brown Scapular
The Child Jesus and a rosary
A rosary and a lily

How is the scapular worn?

Around the waist
Around the wrist
Over the shoulders
Like a veil

Our Lady said, "This scapular is the ______, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace and eternal union."

badge of salvation
wool of courage
cloak of salvation
hope of the faithful

This scapular shows that the Carmelites belong in a special way to Mary, and she prays for and protects them.


The replica of the scapular is two small squares of brown wool connected together by two cords or strings that is worn over the shoulders - one square in the back and one square in the front.




Which prophet of the Old Testament lived on Mount Carmel?

Who followed the example of Elijah and lived on Mount Carmel?

In 1145, the ______ formed a community and constructed a monastery on Mount Carmel.

What happened to the Carmelite's monastery during the Crusades?

Who appeared to Simon Stock while he was in prayer?

What was the Blessed Virgin holding in her hands when she appeared to Simon Stock?

How is the scapular worn?

Our Lady said, "This scapular is the ______, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace and eternal union."

This scapular shows that the Carmelites belong in a special way to Mary, and she prays for and protects them.

The replica of the scapular is two small squares of brown wool connected together by two cords or strings that is worn over the shoulders - one square in the back and one square in the front.